The Content Search Web Part (CSWP) is a Web Part introduced
in SharePoint 2013 that uses various styling options to display dynamic content
on SharePoint pages. But when do we use CSWP or the CQWB
First this is a link to introduce the Content Search Web
Part (CSWP)
Now to decide any one to use, The CSWP can return any
content from the search index. Use it on your SharePoint 2013 sites when you
are connecting to a search service and want to return indexed search results in
your pages.
The CSWP returns content that is as fresh as the latest
crawl of your content, so if you crawl often, the content that the CSWP returns
is more up-to-date than if you crawl infrequently. If you need to display
instant content or the refreshed version of content, use the Content Query Web
Part (CQWP) instead.
Search crawls only the major versions of content, never the
minor versions. If you want to display the minor versions of your content, do
that by using a CQWP.
Some site collection administrators mark sites to not be
indexed. Content marked in this way is not available in a CSWP. If you want to
return results from a site that is marked to not index, use the CQWP instead.